FSSI Core Values
The values listed here are what we believe in and what guides us, regardless of circumstances or economic cycles. These values stand behind our business conduct and characterize the decisions we make at all levels. They are living concepts that have shaped us in the past, display our commitment in the present and lay out what we hope will become our legacy in the future.
Here are the Core Values that drive FSSI:

Extraordinary Effort
We take pride in our relentless pursuit to do whatever it takes to get the job done. We willingly take on the challenges of unique job applications, tight turnarounds, and non-standard materials, believing that a delighted client is a reward in itself. We routinely make the impossible possible, through exceptional personal efforts, strong teamwork and resources that are specifically adapted for our use.

Passion for Service
As a service company, we expect people to have a heart for serving. This passion is what fuels us to do whatever it takes to satisfy our clients and to encourage each other to greatness. We honor those who show this passion in their personal and professional lives, contributing their time, talent and treasure to our community and to our country.

Unwavering Integrity
Our relationships in business and in our personal lives are firmly rooted in respect, trust and honesty. We model transparency and open communication in an environment of professionalism and respect. We believe trusted partnerships are best maintained by keeping our commitments, especially amidst the pressures of conflicting priorities, delivery times and quality standards.

Open-Ended Creativity
We enthusiastically seek elegant solutions to difficult challenges through creativity, technical ingenuity and teamwork. FSSI fosters the entrepreneurial spirit and matches it with a strong framework of real-world practicality and disciplined structure. We are pioneers of innovation while remaining the guardians of our clients’ reputations.

Custom Care
We listen attentively to our clients and genuinely care about their unique needs and requirements for success. We are always accessible to provide personalized attention to the challenges our clients face on a daily basis. We seek to understand the market forces that influence our clients in order to anticipate their needs and engineer appropriate solutions.