Letter Management

Quick Facts

Streamline letter management with a time-saving and scalable solution that provides a secure, audit-friendly way to compose and manage individual letter types, consolidating the total into a manageable few. Update, proof and approve letters using Microsoft Word in a 24/7 accessible online portal, sending them directly into FSSI’s secure print-mail production environment upon approval.

Expected Results

Manage your high-volume letter needs with greater control and less redundancy. You’ll benefit from quick, go-to access that reduces production lead time while facilitating content accuracy and compliance. Consolidated templates, self-managed revisions and a shared repository for collaboration maximize productivity without the need for developer assistance and associated costs.

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Letter Template Management

Full Control of Letter Templates

Online, high-volume letter printing and mail fulfillment has never been easier. Add a new letter type to your repository, proof the sample against the same data file and then approve it – all within a matter of minutes.

With this level of control, you can add templates to your print, mail and ePresentment schedules at a moment’s notice, ensuring fast and accurate processing and delivery of every letter.

Letter Template Management

If you know how to navigate Microsoft Word, you can effortlessly maintain your letter templates, which include static text and graphics as well as merge fields for variable content. You’ll be able to manage content and utilize the valuable whitespace with action-worthy elements – add columns/tables, full color, targeted messages and variable-driven elements. Standard formatting also reduces errors, including an anchored text box for the address.

The letter types are driven by unique codes that are tied to the data file you provide to FSSI. This allows you to easily merge specific data with your letter templates. Seamlessly create multiple versions of one document using the customizable content manager, with tailored variable data that maximizes the flexibility of targeted communications.

Quick Revision Process

Imagine making as many revisions as you want without paying extra programming or development costs – at FSSI, you get unlimited, no-cost revisions.

With 24/7 access, you can log into the user-friendly portal and make the changes you want in real-time and with immediate results – in a matter of minutes. Your document can be updated and approved online, with the data and letter templates quickly merged and formatted for FSSI’s high-volume print and mail fulfillment process based on the corresponding variable data files.

Compliance and Risk Management

Stay compliant and risk-free with the ability to quickly adjust to changing requirements. From maintaining version control with a detailed revision history to assigning permissions for who can edit and approve your letter templates, you set the parameters of the letter management process. Your team can effectively serve as admins, confidently versioning and maintaining hundreds of letter types.

Meet all compliance factors when it comes to revision history and edits:

  • Hierarchical Control – Set the terms of accessibility and approvals based on hierarchy protocols, granting and restricting access to specific users by function.
  • Historical Edits and Approval Tracking – View all edits made to a letter template, knowing exactly who made changes, when they were made and what approvals, if any, are in place. Stay on top of legacy documents, even if there is employee turnover.
  • Robust Search Features – Reduce search time and quickly access all historical versions and related activities.

You’ll be able to react quickly when it’s required to stay in sync with internal and regulatory updates.


FSSI’s letterStreamOne (LSO) is the accessible, client-controlled letter template management solution that consolidates the number of letter templates using a single shareable repository.

You’ll reduce the total templates by adding variable images and text that are driven by customer data – standardizing and automating the composition process. The easy-to-use Microsoft Word template includes merge fields that are processed with a data file to compose the letters and dynamic content management that is pulled based on variables in the data.

Eliminate redundancy and gain extra flexibility by working with a manageable number of templates. Learn more about letterStreamOne today.

Shareable Letter Repository with User-Friendly Navigation

There is one go-to location for your important letter templates. Having a letter template library in a single, secure repository ensures overall content accuracy and eliminates redundant documents. Multiple stakeholders can log in and make revisions and approve content based on the customized set-up and access within your portal.

You’ll work in a responsive user interface, providing convenient access from any device. Access a list of all current active letter templates and their corresponding codes for easy management and maintenance. Create new letters, edit existing letters, view letter history and preview all letter types with sample data prior to approving production.

Take the appropriate action with simple-to-use functionality. Your LSO “action” buttons include: Approval, Download, History, Revise and Preview. You’ll have a clear-cut path of activities to navigate your templates and access the main functions, guiding the create-to-approval process with ease.

Dynamic Content Management

Make your customer communications even more dynamic by adding variable content (text or graphics) to your letters based on pre-defined variables identified in the data. For example, if you use the state variable found in the address information, you can tailor your letters and notices to have different logos or disclaimers based on the states of specific customers.

The images, disclaimers and other content management are controlled and maintained by you, in the LSO portal. The conditional variables can all be maintained in a single letter, reducing the number of templates you need and can encompass simple text, long paragraphs or images stored in the content library.

With Velocity, FSSI’s print marketing automation solution, you can go even further and manage all direct mail campaign-related content in a single location, with the ability to view, enter and update information on-demand and without developer assistance. The centralized content is customized to your unique content, supporting automation with across-the-board standardization. Streamline your variable data print campaigns, with full control of your letter templates, creative content and packaging – all in your own custom portal.

What are the benefits of FSSI’s letter management capabilities?

Consolidate the number of letter templates using a single, user-friendly online portal. You’ll eliminate redundant templates and gain extra flexibility with customized variables, so you work from a single version instead of many.

With intuitive functionality, you’ll gain full control over letter template management and content through an online dashboard while meeting compliance and quality standards.

Revise your content any time, immediately responding to changing needs. Your team can update letter types knowing it’s 100% covered, from a shareable repository and unlimited revisions to streamlined production and delivery.

Can changes be easily made to letter templates?

Yes. There is a self-managed revision process that enables you to quickly implement any changes – create or edit your drafts all on a moment’s notice.

With other document partners, development changes can take weeks to complete and result in a high cost for revision fees. With FSSI, you can eliminate long turnaround times and realize quick results – with no change fees.

The 24/7 accessible portal facilitates quick revisions, using simple action buttons to access your letter templates and make changes with the convenience of Microsoft Word. There is no technical expertise required.

What are examples of letter types?

FSSI’s letter printing solutions are effective for many letter types. Here are examples of the most common:

  • Welcome, declination, account and collection letters
  • Past due, privacy and compliance notices
  • Change of status notifications and explanation of benefits
  • Marketing letters

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