“Document Design” Category
Get More Out of Your Transactional Customer Documents
Improve the Impact of Transactional Customer Statements Transactional customer documents are an integral part of any business. They give your company valuable access to speak directly to your customers regularly. Whether you handle your monthly transactional statements in-house or work with a print-mail...
Dimensional Mailers: Taking Direct Mail to the Next Level
USPS 3D Mail Innovations: Direct Mail Dimensional mailers are not flat like other traditional mail pieces. Dimensional mail shapes include tubes, boxes, spheres, and other unique formats. This type of mail has much higher response rates compared to traditional mailing. Taking advantage of the creative use of...
Document Design Best Practices for Millennials and Gen Z
Marketing to Millennials: Leveraging Document Redesign for Success Millennials have tremendous purchasing power and matter to your future growth. Ignoring this growing demographic's need for ease, simplicity, and convenience could cost you dearly. Marketing to millennials can be tough, but we will discuss how...
The Benefits of Digital Printing: 5 Criteria to Consider
Can my Business Benefit from Digital Color Printing? If recent trends are any indicator, high-volume statement mailers will soon consider moving from black-ink on white-paper customer documents to those that incorporate inkjet digital color. Studies suggest that the business advantages, including greater...
Why Direct Mail Marketing Is Still Relevant in the Digital Age
Direct Mail Marketing Deserves a Second Look By disregarding direct mail, you may be neglecting a lucrative revenue stream for your company. According to a Winterberry Group forecast, direct mail spending is projected to increase from 1.6% to 4% of advertising dollars in 2023, while spending in many other...
How to Select the Right Colors to Match your Campaign Objectives
We, humans, are a highly visual bunch. How else can you explain why our species collectively consumes hundreds of millions of hours of visual content each day, including TV, movies and of course online video. Globally, we support each other’s visual Jonesing by uploading more than 300 hours of video per...
Use Transpromo Marketing to Make Transactional Statements Stand Out
Transactional documents, more commonly known as bills, statements and invoices, arrive in consumer mailboxes and inboxes each month. Companies leverage these critical communications to market to existing customers. What some companies see simply as whitespace in a document, others consider a marketing gold mine...
Improving Monthly Customer Statements: Document Design Tips for Engagement
Improve Customer Engagement with Well-Designed Transactional Statements Creating extraordinary customer statements goes beyond just conveying information; it's about nurturing relationships, boosting brand awareness, and increasing payment remittance. Discover these fun and authoritative tips to transform...