
Person toppling blocks like dominos
Person toppling blocks like dominos

Disaster Recovery Planning as Part of Your Business Continuity Plan

FSSI logo FSSI Marketing on March 25, 2021

It’s easy to assume a downtime event will never happen to your company, but the truth is more than 50% of companies have experienced a downtime event that lasted a full workday in the last five years. Of the companies that experienced a major data disaster, 96% of those that had a disaster recovery plan survived while...

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Digital padlock with persons hands in the background
Digital padlock with persons hands in the background

Improving the Data Security and Privacy of your Organization

FSSI logo Kelly McConville on March 5, 2021

Is Your Company Doing Enough to Safeguard its Customers’ Sensitive Data? Data security and privacy are vital in today’s digital world for protecting personal customer information and maintaining your company’s reputation as a trusted brand. In this blog, we define sensitive data and how companies can help reduce...

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Animated person paying bills on their phone
Animated person paying bills on their phone

Want to Streamline Bill Payments? Add These Three Things to Your Statements.

FSSI logo FSSI Marketing on January 26, 2021

Billing statements have come a long way. Upgrades to design, such as the inclusion of color and graphics, have made statements much easier to consume. Digital printing took these changes to another level, enabling techniques such as personalization and data-driven graphics enhancements that allow billers to achieve...

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Person sweeping with a big manilla folder in the background that says customer data
Person sweeping with a big manilla folder in the background that says customer data

Address Cleansing and the USPS Mailer Scorecard

FSSI logo FSSI Marketing on January 11, 2021

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to optimize your marketing strategies. One of the most beneficial ways to do this is by address cleansing your customer mailing database. According to an Experian Data Quality survey, over 32% of address data that businesses have is inaccurate. This incorrect data can...

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Animated house diagram with each part of the house representing a different utility type
Animated house diagram with each part of the house representing a different utility type

Improve Customer Engagement with Strategically-Designed Utility Bills

FSSI logo FSSI Marketing on December 10, 2020

Gas, electric, water, cable, waste management and more – almost every resident uses these utilities and subsequently needs to pay their bills. These utility bills or statements provide a unique opportunity to communicate with this dedicated audience, from providing payment due and account information to including...

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dial that says efficiency
dial that says efficiency

Ways to Improve Business Efficiency in 2021

FSSI logo FSSI Marketing on October 21, 2020

Have you been researching ways to improve your business in 2021? Or simply looking into different methods of increasing productivity? If you answered “yes” to either question, continue reading. The backbone of every successful company relies on an efficient workforce, which includes everyone from senior management...

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person in front of a computer holding a phone with like icons floating above it
person in front of a computer holding a phone with like icons floating above it

Social Media Strategies for Credit Unions

FSSI logo FSSI Marketing on August 21, 2020

5 Tips to Enhance Your Credit Union’s Social Media Strategy Now is the time to bring your credit union’s social strategy front and center. According to a recent Nielson study, social media usage has substantially increased during the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to having more eyes on the web than ever before,...

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2020 Pantone color of the year classic blue
2020 Pantone color of the year classic blue

What is the Pantone Color Matching System?

FSSI logo Kelly McConville on June 12, 2020

Pantone Color of the Year 2020 Pantone LLC was founded in 1962 but didn’t become a household name until debuting its famous superlative in 2000, “Pantone Color of the Year.” According to Leatrice Eiseman, the executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, common reactions to the company’s name included,...

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