Secure Data Processing

Quick Facts

Ensure the security, privacy and accuracy of your confidential data throughout the job lifecycle, from uploading any file format to processing, composition, output, archival and deletion. FSSI applies proven standards and streamlined procedures – including quality testing, secure PDF approval and automation – to generate high-volume, customized print and electronic documents in a SOC2 and HIPAA certified environment.

Expected Results

Be confident with high-quality output that starts with your unique data needs. You’ll benefit from automated processes that focus on quality control, quick turnaround time and helpful notifications. These dependable operations support speed and accuracy while also safeguarding your data and delivering documents exactly as expected.

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Data Processing Outsourcing Solutions

Dependable Data Processing Services

Because FSSI handles statements of account, checks, tax forms, insurance disclosures, and other sensitive documents, proper procedures, compliance and controls are in place to manage, store and present sensitive data.

Data processing services from FSSI ensure the quality, accuracy and precise composition and delivery of important printed and electronic customer documents. We accept virtually any file format for use in developing custom programs in-house for reliable, regulatory-compliant delivery and archival retrieval.

Automated processes, including job status notifications and streamlined file processing procedures, keep you in the know and your job on track.

Secure Data Input

Bringing your unique output to fruition starts with integrated input practices that encompass accessibility, flexibility and compliance as you upload your data into FSSI’s secure environment.

  • Extensive File Formats Any composed and raw data input files are accepted from any source (flat files, XML, PDF, AFP, PCL, mainframe, Medicode and Postscript)
  • Unlimited Data Streams – One or multiple input data files can be used to accurately compose and format documents
  • 24/7 Availability – Data can be uploaded into FSSI’s secure data environment at any time, day or night, and your job will start processing immediately

Whether you send raw or pre-composed data from your own systems, our team can create a custom program based on your business needs and creative design. We can also often re-work your print-ready data to help enhance the branding and design.

File Transmission Protocol

For maximum security, FSSI supports and recommends SFTP (Secure File Transmission Protocol) to safely transfer files and PGP data encryption for files at rest, or when they’re being temporarily archived. During the onboarding process, we work with you to set file-naming standards. Once files are received into our secure network and the data validation process is successful, production processing immediately begins. Multiple tests are conducted in the production environment to ensure quality at every stage.

Automated Processing

FSSI creates automated processes that encompass procedures and notifications regarding file transmission, data processing and archival, including:

  • Sending emails to confirm file receipt, with the name, size and date
  • Sending email notifications for missing files, if needed
  • Routing files for immediate processing
  • Creating a PDF Approval File for client review and approval
  • Sending email notifications that the PDF Approval File is ready for review
  • Archiving, then destroying input files based on business rules

Secure PDF Approvals to Validate Data

When it is time to review documents prior to printing or ePresentment, there is a secure portal to validate that the data is as expected and an opportunity to approve or reject the sample documents. You’ll experience a fast turnaround from the time your data is processed to when you’re notified via email to view a sample PDF.

Never miss any pending files for approval with clear-cut notifications and quick access. Easily review PDFs and mark them as “Approved” or “Rejected,” receive an email of the approval status and track the history within a secure, user-friendly interface.

Online Tools for Quality Control

Data handling and security of sensitive customer information are of the utmost importance. FSSI monitors a comprehensive file tracking system to guarantee that the appropriate action is taken for every file that is received.

Our internal job tracking and scheduling tool ensures we have full attention of all jobs in all stages of production. The client-facing, audit-ready dashboard to track file receipt history, PDF proofing and reporting provides transparent job monitoring for complete quality control.

Secure Data Storage and Archival

Convenient storage and digital media archiving options offer quick and secure document retrieval.

At FSSI, we can convert and securely host copies of your printed documents as indexed PDF images, which are available to you online or offline in compressed digital media formats, in addition to presenting electronic statements that differ from the print versions.

These archiving options save you time by increasing document retrieval speeds and accessibility to your documents.

What are the steps involved with secure data onboarding?

FSSI can transform almost any data input into the exact statement, invoice or letter format you want. Each data conversion is unique, but most follow a similar quality-centric sequence that includes the following steps:

  1. Data mapping, including logic, analysis and calculations
  2. Receiving and reviewing test data
  3. Establishing business rules for composition and distribution
  4. Defining messaging rules
  5. Establishing business rules for routing print, mail delivery and ePresentment
  6. Application development
  7. Exhaustive quality testing
  8. Reviews and approvals
  9. Promotion of application to production
  10. Data archival

What are the steps involved with secure data processing?

Upon receipt, customer data is verified and processed through our systems, following data processing best practices to make your print and electronic documents production-ready based on the following steps:

  • Secure data transmission
  • File interrogation to ensure proper files received
  • Automatic pulling of files to process to create the documents
  • Merge supplemental files and all messages created in FSSI’s online message tool
  • Run through the USPS postal software to get the best postage rates
  • If needed, update the customers’ addresses if they’ve notified the Post Office of a move
  • Create files for print/mail, ePresentment, email or text, based on customer preferences
  • Create PDF approval file for review and approval
  • Once approved, route the files for proper distributions

Does FSSI’s secure data processing integrate with print, mail and electronic presentment?

Though you are welcome to utilize our secure data and document processing services apart from other FSSI offerings, we typically provide data services as part of our full-service integrated outsource solutions.

If you would like us to manage your electronic communications or require a bill pay option instead of print and mail, you’ll also benefit from the quality, accuracy and efficiency of FSSI’s cutting-edge, customized ePresentment solutions.

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