“Uncategorized” Category
New Blog Test 01
Creating a blog post to test GR RSS auto response email. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium leo justo, ut consectetur sem congue a. Nulla facilisi. Etiam aliquet dui imperdiet risus pharetra, a ornare dui vehicula. Sed semper arcu tortor, vel euismod arcu fringilla...
Blog Test: Another Google Font Test
Testing another blog test WP Default top-10-reasons-to-outsource-print-mail-production-special-reportDownload BSK PDF Manager Using Shortcode [bsk-pdfm-pdfs-ul id="ALL" featured_image="yes" show_pdf_title="yes" pdfs_per_page="10" target="_blank" date_weekday_filter_order="DESC-ASC-ASC"] PDF...
Blog Test: Google Font
Testing blog RSS email to see if Google Fonts are working. The title of this blog post should be in a Google serif font called Alegreya. Morbi tempor vestibulum feugiat. Donec quis suscipit massa. Aliquam tempor facilisis eros sed vulputate. Phasellus egestas arcu nec eleifend vestibulum. Nunc aliquet enim id...
Google Font Test
Testing blog RSS email to see if Google Fonts are working. The title of this blog post should be in a Google serif font called Alegreya. Morbi tempor vestibulum feugiat. Donec quis suscipit massa. Aliquam tempor facilisis eros sed vulputate. Phasellus egestas arcu nec eleifend vestibulum. Nunc aliquet enim id...
Testing New Blog Post
Testing updated blog post email template. Updates were made to social media icons and FSSI logo as they were causing crop issues. Article line divider was also shorten so it should be flush to article. Added right margin to article title as they were not set prior and some articles were going out of bounds of...
Boosting Engagement: Leveraging Customer Notifications in the Financial Sector
Customer alerts and notifications play a crucial role in enhancing customer satisfaction, retention, and overall revenue. Despite their significance, many organizations lack an effective notification strategy. Keeping recipients informed in real-time about statements ready for viewing or pending payments is...